Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pig Liver Soup 1

For overall good health and 补血气,the Chinese like to drink pig liver soup, which is rich in iron. I usually prepare this and drink it every week. Usually, the pig liver is cut into thin slices and boiled in water. But for me, I prepare it differently to get maximum goodness out of every gramme of pig liver.

The fresh pig liver from the market is first placed in the blender and chopped up into a thick red mash. Then I empty the entire contents of the blender into a pot. Now we have a problem..... How to clean the "bloody looking" blender????

Simple... First add some water into the blender. Then replace the cover and swish the blender around to wash the inside walls and the cutter of the blender. It takes a good 2 to 3 minutes of vigorous swishing to clean out the walls of the blender. Pour out the contents into the pot and you will find that you have a cleaner, less messy blender to deal with. You also save on water.

Next you start to cook the pig liver soup. Nothing new here... Just put it over a stove and add some salt or pieces of ginger for taste. Keep stirring it so that the meat is loose and not clumpy. Bring it to boil and once done, you have your pig liver soup, laden with maximum iron and nourishment. Yum Yum ....

While waiting for the soup to cool, you can start washing the relatively clean blender..... A fuss free way to clean your "bloody looking" blender.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Password of Your Life

In this high tech world, I guess we are all tied down by PINs and passwords to access our banking or online accounts. When I was still a student in NUS, a friend and I had to do a joint project and we had to share his on-line computer account.

"What's the password ?", I asked. He scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to me.

"Hey brother, what is 'beamannow' ?" I asked him.

"It is 'Be a Man Now'. ", he replied, "I wanted to spur myself to be a better person. Put it as a computer password so that I can be reminded of this life goal. Do it everyday and it becomes a part of you. Subconscious thing lah..."

At that moment, I was impressed by his reply. I picked up this habit since then and changed my passwords to things related to my goals and targets. From Run10K1998 to GetMyPhd. If you use your passwords frequently, they act as constant reminders for you. Use them as a guiding post so that you don't loose sight of your destination.

You can try.....Loose5Kg or Earn1Million or HugMyWife......or you can use passwords that reflect your moral values ..... like HardworkNow.

Try it and change the Password of Your Life.