Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Quest For More LIFT

Its been quite a while since I lasted posted on my blog...My original intent was to share my perspective of a journey through life by drawing an analogy to the aerodynamics of aircraft. Guess I will continue where I left off.....

I have wrote about the THRUST force of your life and that it should be an internal, driven force that propels you to achieve your goals. Similarly, an aircraft that is stationary on the tarmac needs a THRUST force to propel it forward and to race down the runway.
When the aircraft is moving forward at a high speed , a LIFT force is produced by the wings of the aircraft. The aircraft requires a LIFT force to take off from the runway and to soar in the sky. Only when the aircraft has THRUST will there be motion and hence will there be LIFT.

Hence no THRUST force ..... no LIFT force. And there is no FLIGHT.

The aerodynamic LIFT force acting on an aircraft essentially keeps it in flight. This LIFT force can be viewed as the “benefits” derived from the airplane’s motion, and without LIFT force, the airplane simply plunges towards the ground. 

In the same manner, when you push yourself to achieve your dreams and goals, you are in motion and you are propelled by the THRUST force in your life. Driven by passion, confidence and self-belief, the “benefits” that you experience in your journey is the LIFT force of your life. It could be WEALTH, ASSETS, HAPPINESS, JOB SATISFACTION, and FULFILMENT among many others…..

For example, if you desire to learn to bake a delicious cake. You WORK towards this goal and after many tries, failures and improvement, you do not give up. The LIFT force is the good experience and knowledge gained in this process. These “benefits” that you derived are internalised within you. However, if you give up and stop, the LIFT force disappears and much like an airplane, your dream plunges and crashes. The ultimate LIFT force comes along upon success. It bring SMILES and HAPPINESS to friends and family when you share your cake.
The LIFT force keeps you going in your journey and it could be the only reason why you are marching towards your life goals. Let’s keep moving and gain the benefits from life…..