Sunday, June 13, 2010

What has Aerodynamics got to do with Life ?

A few years back, I wanted to start writing an online diary. To write something personal that I would like to share with people. My thoughts, feelings and views. Events around me, then, made it impossible for me to commit to such a task as I was in the midst of preparing for my wedding, reading for my PhD, setting up a new home, building my career as a Researcher and enjoying treasured moments with my friends, family and girlfriend (now THE WIFE).

Since then, I have changed my job, got my PhD, set up my home, picked up archery as a new hobby. But things also took a turn for the worst between then and now as I was diagnosed with the BIG C just two months into my marriage. It was devastating and life changing (to say the least). I underwent what all patients had to endure and the associated side effects from treatment.

My family and in-laws rallied around me and they helped me cope with all the associated negatively that I was feeling. Questions of "Why does it have to be me?" and "What did I do wrong" constantly lingers in my mind, especially when I was alone. I did not smoke, drink or led a wanton life. I did not want to die young and I had tons of things I wanted to achieve in life. I felt cheated.

During recuperation, I sought spiritual help, I cried in churches, I read extensively, I exercised and I reflected on my life in general. I promised myself to get well and not let my love ones down. These inner reflections made me more sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others and I tried not to be too judgemental on the actions of others. I guess having diagnosed with this horrible disease did somehow changed my personality. I believe that I embace life now and not let moments slip by.

Those constant reflections were the impetus for writing this blog. I wanted a blog that records my past and present events, my strength, achievements, failures and weaknesses. A human blog. If you are reading this entry for the first time, I hope that you will join me on my journey of reflection and if what I pen here prompt you to examine yours, I guess I have achieved something. To quote Socrates,"The unexamined life is not worth living".

So what has Aerodynamics got to do with Life? I promise I'll share my perspective and answer that in my next entry.

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