An aircraft that sits on the tarmac is not going to generate revenue for the company. It has to deliver the goods from point A to B. It has be in motion and the thrust force generated by the engines does that and at the same time produces the required lift force to fly from point A to B. Naturally, it is desired that the aircraft can fly as far as possible (increased range) and one way is to increase the fuel load. However, doing so will increase the weight of the aircraft, reduce the revenue generating passenger and cargo load. You may argue that we can increase lift force by increasing the surface area of the wing. You are right but there is a catch. Doing so will also increase the drag force as there is increased friction with air. I guess you are starting to sense the conflicting nature between the four forces now.
I guess in life, we are constantly faced with either internal or external conflicts and difficulties. Much like the aircraft which has to attain a balance between lift, drag, thrust and weight, you too need to reach a fine balance between these four forces in your life. You need to trim off extra weight and drag in your life and strive to keep it lean. You need to increase your lift and thrust to propel you to achieve higher feats in life.
You may be burdened with too much weighty and draggy issues, like anger, a bad habit, impatience, hanging around bad company, being generally pessimistic in life, procrastination.... The list is endless.....These negativity slow and weigh you down, preventing you from seeking and achieving your desired goals.
On the other hand, you may have a certain sporting, music or art talent, a passion for a hobby, developed specialist knowledge in some subjects, being generally curious, led a morally good life, having good mentors...... Again the list is endless.... These characteristics push and propel you to attain your goals.
The goals that you aim for can be simple things from baking a cake to earning your first million dollars. From landing your first dream job to getting the A+ in your paper. But along the way, you are constanly bombarded, pushed, pulled, tripped and driven by these four forces in your life. If you cared about your life, you constantly seek to balance them as you prod along in your journey. Some try to seek the answers by reflecting internally, seeking solace in religion, re-adjusting their own expectations and developing inner strength. Others search for their answers externally, looking for other people's affirmation and meeting their expectations. Some lose hope, just give up, and turn to crime and drugs.
So what's your LIFT, DRAG, THRUST and WEIGHT? Only YOU can answer that...!
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