Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Dump that Weight

Everything on Earth is under the influence of  gravity and therefore there is weight.  Engineers will design the aircraft to minimize the weight but it is always a difficult task. The WEIGHT  much needed is from that of fuel and other items for example weapons or luggage, passengers, avionics equipment (and many others) ..…. for civilian aircraft. Upon confirmation of the on-board items, weight force on the aircraft is typically constant in magnitude and pointing downwards.
As a person our daily life will also feel difficult and WEIGHTY issues can occur. For example the debt that we need to pay, the family problems that we face and the worries that we feel. 

As a person, we can only lessen our WEIGHT by losing fat by exercise or diet. This is the extra effort that we need to do to lessen our WEIGHT.

Similarly, to lessen its WEIGHT, an aircraft has to dump fuel when they face problems early after taking off and they have to make an emergency and safe landing. 

That is why we need to lessen our own WEIGHT. We feel better in life.

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