Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Drag Queen

The DRAG force applies to all aircraft moving in the atmosphere. It just slows down the aircraft and it is a waste of flight fuel. All Engineers try to design the aircraft to minimize the DRAG force. Typically, the minimization of DRAG force is done mainly by re-shaping the external features of the aircraft. Of course, there are many limitations to re-shape the aircraft, mainly due to its functional requirements.

Similar to WEIGHT, the DRAG force will slow down the aircraft flight (or OUR LIFE).

As a person, we should put in effort and rethink on what to change or improve in ourselves to make it easier to solve problems in our life. Look inside yourself. 

It could be your temper or physical fitness.

Of course it is not simple to change such things. We have to put in the effort to improve ourselves. 

To improve temper, one method is to do meditation. Think of kindness and thoughts of compassion. There are certainly people who are in a worst off state than yourself. 

To improve physical fitness, exercise by running, gym, or yoga should be the prime choice.

All these are to streamline yourself to reduce the DRAG force in your life.

Dump that Weight

Everything on Earth is under the influence of  gravity and therefore there is weight.  Engineers will design the aircraft to minimize the weight but it is always a difficult task. The WEIGHT  much needed is from that of fuel and other items for example weapons or luggage, passengers, avionics equipment (and many others) ..…. for civilian aircraft. Upon confirmation of the on-board items, weight force on the aircraft is typically constant in magnitude and pointing downwards.
As a person our daily life will also feel difficult and WEIGHTY issues can occur. For example the debt that we need to pay, the family problems that we face and the worries that we feel. 

As a person, we can only lessen our WEIGHT by losing fat by exercise or diet. This is the extra effort that we need to do to lessen our WEIGHT.

Similarly, to lessen its WEIGHT, an aircraft has to dump fuel when they face problems early after taking off and they have to make an emergency and safe landing. 

That is why we need to lessen our own WEIGHT. We feel better in life.

Once, I was having tea with a former secondary school classmate in the NUS canteen. He was then a student in the Faculty of Architecture and had a flair for drawing and the arts.

"Do you know what is the most beautiful curve in the world ???" He asked.

"What the heck curve are you talking about???" I had no idea what he is getting at...

"It is the inflection curve. You know... a curve with opposite change in curvature." He motioned with his finger and tried to draw an imaginery curve on the table top as he continued. "Like a letter 'S' that is stretched out loh..."

"But then why is it so beautiful???" I asked, with my curiosity-driven mind at work.

"Ai yo... you just born yesterday or what??? Are you a guy or not??? Look around lah.... Mother Nature has put inflection curves on women's body for us to look at.....

You see... from the small tight waist to the hips... from her back to her cute bottom.... and then.....

from her front bosom to her flat tummy... So it must be the most beautiful curve in the world lah." Gesturing with his hand and drawing many Ss in the air.

"Can't argue on that, Bro" I answered as I tried to sip my tea while glancing over the rim of my cup at the ladies. I put down my cup and added.... "When we want to say a woman is sexy, curvy and voluptuous, we always make the hour-glass gesture right???" This time it is my turn to draw two double Ss in the air with both hands. 

"That's right brother... you are catching on" He remarked. Then he fell silent as if in thought....

"If buildings have inflection curves..... think it will be damn sexy man !!!...."