Just like what the picture is telling you, the thrust force arises internally and the engine generates the thrust. Fuel is burnt in the engine to keep it working and whatever hot gas that is ejected from the rear of the aircraft, it produces thrust force. It propells the aircraft forward and in the direction that the pilot wants.
Similarly, the thrust force in life must be generated from within you...and only within you. You should have the internal fuel to burn, propell you forward and pilot your own life. Nobody can do this grunt work for you. Not your parents, not your spouse, or boss. They can inspire, push and shove you towards your goals (if only they cared about you) but in the end, it's still your game.....
Knowing your fuel source is of paramount importance. Could be prestige, money, status, passion, or pride.... Whatever...... Only you can identify your internal fuel to pwer your engines. When you feel down and burnt out chasing your dream and goals, then it is time to reflect on this "fuel source" of yours.
Internal reflection is like re-fueling the aircraft..... so that it can fly further, longer and increase its endurance.
Start identfying your internal fuel and give your life the boost it deserves.....!