For women, Kegel exercise is done to tone and strengthen the lower pelvic muscles. It consists of contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor. This can be done during prenanacy to prepare the pelvic muscles for the stresses of vaginal childbirth. After childbirth, these muscle loose muscle tone and may lead to urinary incontinence. The same exercise may improve urinary control.

The easiest way to locate these muscles is during urination. When the flow begins, just contract the muscles down-under to stop the stream completely. Once you have found them, you can begin your Kegel exercise almost anywhere and anytime. Clench, hold and then release the muscles repeatedly for 10 sec. Repeat this cycle for a number of times, taking a 10 sec break between each cycle.

Kegel exercise can be done anytime, anywhere and with hands free. That's the wonderful bit. You can do a workout when you are at your desk, travelling in a bus or sipping tea in a cafe. If you put up a straight face and don't make "Ohh..." "Ahh..." noises, no one will know and it is the cheapest form of exercise to toughen that muscle.
Similarly, there is another "Kegel" exercise, not to toughen, but to soften your heart. I am talking about a mental exercise for compassion, empathy, 将心比心 etc. I have tried this on many occasions and it lightens my mood. Like training your pelvic muscles, you can also do this anytime, anyplace and no one will find out. How do you do this ? Simple......
If you are out walking, and you spot an elderly person.... send him a prayer silently. "Wishing you good health and happiness"
If you are on the road driving and you see a cyclist... from your heart, send him a prayer too. "Please ride safely"
If you are outside a school and see lots of energetic school children... give them your well wishes too. "Children .. Study well and grow up strong and healthy. The future is there for you !"
Most importantly, when you miss your family and friends, don't forget to send your well wishes and prayers to them. Wish them well, good health and happiness.
If you are feeling down, I believe you will feel better if you do this a few times. Try it !!